Zeology workshop in Jiaxing University

A Zeology tanning workshop and promotion experiment week was successfully held in Jiaxing University from 7 June, 2021 to 11 June, 2021 The teachers and students from the University were attracted by this magic tanning agent for its sustainable and eco-friendly property.

Francis Tsang (advisor of Nera Leather Tanning) and Benjamin Jiang (Zeology Leather Technician) were the guiders of this workshop. Francis Tsang introduced sustainable characters and application effect of Zeology tanning agent to the students; Benjamin taught students how to make Zeo-white type leather, Faith Xue, Jack Ji and Jack Fan also joined the workshop in last two days.

25 students from light chemical engineering college joined in this workshop and were divided into five groups to make leather with Zeology tanning material. Five types of Zeo-white leather: glove, garment, upholstery, shoe upper and bag leather were success prepared with good haptic property under the procedure: Zeology tanning, retanning and fatliquoring.

The Zeology tanning workshop and promotion experiment week in Jiaxing University is the first station, more Zeology tanning workshops will be held in other universities and tanneries all over China.

Impression of the Workshop

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Download: Zeology Information Kit

A ready-made document with the basics, benefits and FAQ's on Zeology. Including a basic and technical glossary.

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