The Who, How, Why and more… on Zeology Are you happy browsing our website for information or do you prefer a ready-made document with the basics, benefits and FAQ’s on Zeology – the chrome-free, heavy metal free and aldehyde free tanning solution? For the latter: we have gathered all the answers to the frequently asked questions – including a technical glossary – in this document. Download the Zeology Information Kit Please leave your email address and details and receive the download link in your inbox. My email address* First name* Last name* Company name* Stay informed Please keep me informed about the latest news on Nera and Zeology.Working fieldTanneriesChemicalsFashionShoe & leather goodsAutomotiveAviationUpholsteryPressEducationOtherDo you wish to receive tailored information? Please select your working field (optional). CAPTCHANameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ It’s time to revolutionize leather tanning Enter the world of sustainable leather tanning and discover the science behind Zeology. Watch the video. The science and chemistry behind Zeology An in-depth and scientific-based explanation of how Zeology and zeolite works. Watch the movie. The main benefits of Zeology The main benefit of Zeology is for the environment: less polution. Discover the benefits for brands and tanneries. Share this: